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Wellesley Professor Elena Creef at La Fonda Hotel, Santa Fe

Wellesley Professor Elena Creef at La Fonda Hotel, Santa Fe

Elvis New Mexico

Over 25 gathered at La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe

One group gathered to enjoy lunch and conversation. Some left, some stayed and were joined by others to spend the afternoon with Wellesley Professor Elena Creef of the Women's Studies Department. We are grateful for the support of the Wellesley College Alumnae Office in making Professor Creef's visit a reality.

Professor Creef shared her work on the Elvis Presley course she teaches in Women's & Gender Studies at Wellesley and which was picked by the Boston Globe as one of the "quirkiest" and "weird" classes taught in the Boston area. 

Attendees found Professor Creef's work both very colorful and intriguing. We learned about all of the groups of Elvis impersonators and Elvites - those that partake in the annual pageantry of New Orleans social events. The slide show included photos of a very authentic Professor Creef in Priscilla Presley attire as she participated with the Krewe of the Rolling Elvi in New Orleans.

"My Wellesley students inspired me to undertake some original Elvis research—which has resulted in one of the most colorful journeys of my academic career."

To my delight, the Christmas play that my son and mother were rehearsing for, ended up including Elfis - Anna Maria