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125th Anniversary Celebration

On Saturday, November 14, 2015, the New York Wellesley Club will celebrate its 125th anniversary with a special all-day conference.  This event will bring together a few notable NYC alumnae from multiple generations to demonstrate the pivotal impact that Wellesley has made on New York City for the past 125 years.  The event takes place:

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Check In & Coffee (12:30 - 1 PM)

Program (1 - 5:30 PM)

Cocktail Reception (5:30 - 7 PM)

 Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman Music Center 

129 W. 67th Street, New York City

Please note, this event is filled to capacity.  You can join the waiting list here

Regretfully, we cannot accommodate walk-in registrations at the door on November 14.

Because space is limited, this event is open to Wellesley alums only.

 Space is limited, and registration is available to Wellesley alums on a first-come, first-served basis.  If you are not a member of the New York Wellesley Club, we encourage you to join today to receive a discounted registration rate. The New York Wellesley Club thanks the Wellesley College Office of Resources for co-sponsoring this special event.  With any questions, please email

Thank You, Wellesley!

Love, New York.

Join us for provocative conversations about Wellesley's multifaceted contributions to life in New York City.  Please note that times below are approximate.  For bios of event speakers, click here

Welcome (1 PM)

Chirlane McCray '76

NYC First Lady

We Are Trailblazers (1:15 PM)

Michelle Caruso-Cabrera '91

CNBC Chief International Correspondent

Laurel Cutler ‘46

Advertising & Marketing Executive

Diane Ravitch ‘60

Research Professor of Education, New York University & Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education

Lulu Chow Wang’ 66

CEO, Tupelo Capital Management 

Heather Long ‘04 (moderator)

Markets & Economy Editor, CNNMoney 


We Are Change Makers (2 PM)

Maybel Marte Hodelin '95

Senior Vice President, PIMCO & Board Member, Sponsors for Educational Opportunity

Susan Rosenthal ‘78

Professor of Medical Psychology & Director, Division of Child & Adolescent Health, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

Marcia Stein ‘61

Founding Executive Director, Citymeals-on-Wheels 

Erika Symmonds ‘02

Director of Workforce Development, GRID Alternatives & Former Service Director, Green City Force

Deeba Zivari ‘11

Communications Strategiest, Health Situation Room and Director of Engagement, MetroPT

Barbara Lubin Goldsmith '53 (moderator)

Author & Historian


Coffee Break (2:45 PM)

We Are Innovators (3:15 PM)

Aisha Christian '95

General Counsel, Rent the Runway

Julia Curtis-Burnes ‘07

Founder, Initiative Space

Katherine Eyring '14

Doctoral Student in Neuroscience and Physiology at New York University Langone Medical Center

Milly Glimcher '61

Co-Founder, Pace Gallery

Patricia Shevlin ‘71 (moderator)

Producer, 60 Minutes & Former Executive Producer, CBS Evening News


We Are Shaping New York City (4 PM)

Lindsey Boylan '06
Vice President of Business Development, Empire State Development

Amy Tsui Luke '90

Managing Director, Boston Consulting Group

Elizabeth Barlow Rogers ’57 

President, Foundation for Landscape Studies & Founding President, Central Park Conservancy

Nicki Newman Tanner ‘57

Board of Directors, New York Public Radio & Auburn Theological Seminary; Trustee Emerita,  Wellesley College, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, New York Community Trust, Jewish Women’s Archive 

Robin Sparkman ‘91 (moderator)

CEO, StoryCorps


Vision for Wellesley's Future (4:45 PM)

Lynn Sherr ‘63 (Journalist & Author) to interview H. Kim Bottomly (President, Wellesley College)


New York Premiere: A Screening of the Campaign Film (5:10 PM)


Ticket Prices

Members of the NYWC (Open to Alums Only)

$25 - Young Alum Members (2005-2015)

$45 - Members


Non-Members (Open to Alums Only)

$35 - Young Alums (2005-2015)

$60 - Alums


Alumnae Patron Registration

$125 - Open to Alums Only


The NYWC is committed to making this event accessible to all alums, regardless of their financial position.  A limited number of complimentary volunteer slots are available.  To request volunteer registration, email