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Book Club Selection Meeting 2019

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7 p.m. to socialize and we will discuss and select the new club reading list for next season.

Book Club - UPDATE

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7 p.m. to socialize and we will discuss Rules of Civility by Amor Towles at 7:30 p.m.

Book Club - Selection Meeting

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7 p.m. to socialize and we will discuss and select the new club reading list for next season.


LGBTQA alums, allies, and friends are invited to a Thanksgiving dinner -- because sometimes family is hard or far away.

Barre Class with Wellesley

Join us for a barre class at barre3 taught by a Wellesley grad! This will be a great opportunity to work out and reconnect with other Wellesley alumnae.

Barnard Women in Entertainment Seven Sisters Fall Networking Happy Hour

Barnard Women in Entertainment is proud to invite alumnae from the Seven Sisters who are working in the entertainment field in New York to join our fall happy hour. Members work in film, television, theater, publishing, and related fields. There will be a raffle and drink specials. Come meet other women in entertainment!

Book Club - Coming of Age in Mississippi

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7 p.m. to socialize and we will discuss Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody at 7:30 p.m. 

Book Club - The Periodic Table

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7 p.m. to socialize and we will discuss The Periodic Table by Primo Levi at 7:30 p.m.

Aging with a Plan: Tea Time Talk with Sharona Hoffman '85

This talk is based on a new book by Sharona Hoffman ’85, Aging with a Plan: How a Little Thought Today Can Vastly Improve Your Tomorrow. The book is a concise and comprehensive resource for those who are middle aged or beyond. 

Book Club - Burial Rites

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7pm to socialize and we will discuss Burial Rites by Hannah Kent at 7:30pm.

Book Club - Everything I Never Told You

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7pm to socialize and we will discuss Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng at 7:30pm.

Book Club - The Sun Also Rises

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7pm to socialize and we will discuss The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway at 7:30pm. 

2015 Holiday Party

The NY Wellesley Club's annual Holiday Party takes place on Thursday, December 10th at Unitarian Church of All Souls. This annual event is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the season and network with alumnae of all generations.

Book Club - The Shadow of the Wind

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7pm to socialize and we will discuss The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Riz Zafon at 7:30pm.

Book Club -

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7pm to socialize and we will discuss In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez at 7:30pm.

Book Club - All the Light We Cannot See

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7pm to socialize and we will discuss All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr at 7:30pm.

Book Club Selection Meeting 2016

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7pm to socialize and we will select books for 2017. 

125th Anniversary of the New York Wellesley Club

This fall, the NYWC celebrates its 125th anniversary with a special all-day conference. This event will bring together NYC alumnae from multiple generations to demonstrate the pivotal impact that Wellesley has made on New York City for the past 125 years. 

Book Club - My Beloved World

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7pm to socialize and we will discuss My Beloved World by Sonia Sotomayor at 7:30pm. 

Book Club - A Heart So White

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7pm to socialize and we will discuss A Heart So White by Javier Marias at 7:30pm. 

Book Club - When Everything Changed

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7pm to socialize and we will discuss When Everything Changed by Gail Collins at 7:30pm. 

An Evening to Make a Difference

Bottomless Closet is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to be the connection that inspires and guides disadvantaged New York City women to enter the workforce and achieve success.

The NYWC hosts admissions events each year to help prospective students learn about Wellesley.  Admissions events are supported by membership dues.  

Book Club - A Backward Glance

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7pm to socialize and we will discuss A Backward Glance by Edith Wharton at 7:30pm. 

Book Club - American Chica

The book club meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We gather at 7pm to socialize and we will discuss American Chica by Marie Arana at 7:30pm.

Arts Leadership Event

Join the New York Wellesley Club as we spotlight the world of Arts Administration. Meet a panel of industry leaders committed to reinforcing the vibrant connection of art, culture and community.