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6/13/23 Fireside Chat with Dana Weekes and Cathi Kim: Journey of Rest
Join the NY Wellesley Club, Dana Weekes '03 and Cathi Kim '03 for a Fireside chat: Journey of Rest. Emerging from the pandemic as Wellesley alums who are often in positions where we lead and serve, how might we also ensure our own health and well being? We've designed a fireside chat to create a space for community to connect, hear of other alum experiences and start developing frameworks for their own journey of rest and restoration.
Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Time: 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm
Location: Virtual Meeting 
6/29/23: NY Wellesley Club Annual Meeting in Central Park

Due to the air quality conditions, this event is being rescheduled for Thursday, June 29th at 6:30pm.

Join us on Thursday, June 29th at 6:30pm in Central Park's Sheep Meadow (look for the balloons) for the New York Wellesley Club Annual Meeting.  

Come to kick-off the summer, connect with the local Wellesley community and hear club and Wellesley updates.


Thursday, June 29, 2023




Central Park's Sheep Meadow, between W 66th and 69th Street

Register Here
Contact the NY Wellesley Club at
Saturday, September 24 at 1:30 pm Friends of Art Tour at the Hispanic Society

Join Wellesley Friends of Art for a tour of American Travelers: A Watercolor Journey Through Spain, Portugal, and Mexico at the Hispanic Society (Broadway Between 155th & 156th Streets).  The exhibit features the contemporary works of Timothy J. Clark, whose wife is an alum, Marriott Small Clark ’68, as well as watercolors by US artists from the Hispanic Society’s permanent collection.  Marcus Burke, Senior Curator, and Tim Clark will take us through the show and the Society’s recently reopened permanent collection.  Please meet at 1:15 pm; the tour will begin promptly at 1:30 pm.  There is no charge for this event.  RSVP using this link.

Saturday, July 16 Friends of Art: Red Hook Brooklyn Gallery visit

Patty Hudak ’84 invites alums and friends to see the exhibition, Between Worlds - Mokuhanga, from her print collective, the Mokuhanga Sisters, at Kentler International Artists Space, 353 Van Brunt St, Red Hook, Brooklyn.  The artists are from Japan, Korea, United States, Ireland, South Africa and the UK. The Mokuhanga Sisters are honoring the tradition of Japanese water-based woodblock printing, while also demonstrating its relevance as a 21st-century art form.  The exhibition runs from June 17 to July 30.


Saturday, July 16, 2022

Location/ Directions:

From Manhattan:  meet at Pier 11/Wall St at 10:45 am to catch the 10:59 am ferry to Red Hook.  It is a short walk to the gallery.

Alternatively, meet at Kentler, 353 Van Brunt St, Red Hook, Brooklyn at 11:45 am.  The tour will begin at Noon and last about an hour. For those who would like to have lunch, we can go to Brooklyn Crab which is a few blocks away.

The event is free. 

Please register so we know you are coming. 

Questions:  email