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NY Wellesley Club Meet Up in Central Park

The New York Wellesley Club held our first in-person event since 2020 back in September - a picnic in Central Park! There were close to 100 alumnae in attendance, and we enjoyed catching up with old friends and meeting new ones as well. Classes were represented from 1956 to 2021.

NY Wellesley Club Holiday Recipes 2020

We look forward to having you join us on Thursday, December 10th as we celebrate the season and share good spirits with our Wellesley community! Join the New York Wellesley Community for some holiday cheer, a special visit from Dr. Paula Johnson, musical performances, and more!

In keeping the tradition of sharing holiday cookie recipes, we will post a list of cookie recipes from members.  

For our holiday toast, NY Wellesley Club Board Member Shyaan Hasnain has given us inviting cocktail and mocktail recipes!