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The New York Wellesley Club Announces a new Shared Interest Group: Wellesley Alum Pride (WAPA)!

The New York Wellesley Club Announces a new Shared Interest Group: Wellesley Alum Pride (WAPA)!

WAPA's mission is to build a community with LGBTQ+ alums by providing opportunities to share experiences, support each other, and connect with current students. WAPA was founded in 2017 after years of work by several dedicated alums.

If you are interested in becoming a member, learning more about events, or simply want to learn more about WAPA in general, please sign up for our mailing list on our website:  Sign in by clicking Login > Alum Login, use your Wellesley Login, then click on My Account to specify your email preferences for receiving communications from WAPA. If you need help with your Wellesley Login, forget your password, or need to activate your account, click here for more information. Additionally, you can email for more info on signing up or with any questions.

Signing up for our email will get you occasional updates on the club, events, membership efforts, and most importantly, you will get more information on our first ever upcoming board elections! (Don’t worry we aren’t going to spam your inboxes!)

We look forward to building a supportive community for Wellesley's LGBTQ+ alums!