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Scholarship Fund

The New York Wellesley Club holds three endowed scholarship funds at Wellesley College. Income from these funds provides scholarship support to Wellesley students from NYC. 

  • New York Wellesley Club Scholarship Fund
  • Brooklyn Wellesley Club Scholarship Fund (rolled into the NYWC after the Brooklyn Wellesley Club and the NYWC merged)  
  • Candace Stimson Scholarship Fund of the New York Wellesley Club

Additionally, the Club has two endowed faculty salary advancement funds. Income from these funds provide support to faculty at Wellesley College.

  • New York Wellesley Club Faculty Advancement Fund
  • Brooklyn Wellesley Club Faculty Advancement Fund (rolled into the NYWC after the Brooklyn Wellesley Club and the NYWC merged)

Club members may donate to any of these funds here. (Select "Other" under the Designation tab one that page and type the name of the fund into the blank field).