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Please Note: As of 2022, the Wellesley College Alumnae Association has shifted it's financial system, and clubs will no longer be collecting dues going forward. We encourage you to continue to support Wellesley by giving directly to the College. Our local events will be funded via a stipend from the Alumnae Association going forward, as well as occasional event specific ticket sales. We greatly appreciate all your support over the years! Prior donations & dues will continue to be available to us as a club to help support the Wellesley community in our local area. 

Strengthen our Wellesley Community

2020 promises to be an exciting year for the Oregon Wellesley Club as we increase opportunities for our members to connect in Portland, throughout Oregon, and also virtually through our newsletter and online communities.

Together we can accomplish lots in 2020. Having more members current on their annual Club dues will support our ongoing projects and help us grow into an organization that truly serves all members. We have over 400 alumnae listed in Oregon, of which only a small percentage pay dues. We’d like to increase the level of participation. We understand that we can make it easier by sending an annual request and also by providing information on how and why to pay a small annual fee to support the Oregon Wellesley Club.

Dues are currently $15 for young alumnae (graduated within five years); $25 for regular members; and $50 for gold members who would like to give a little extra to support the club.


Our preferred method of payment is through this website. Online membership purchasing will be available soon! Please check back for updates. 


By paying annual dues, you are allowing us to:

  • Help recruit top high school students. Through the Book Award Program, we honor high-achieving female high school students in order to raise awareness of Wellesley and boost applications to the college. We purchase all of the special-edition award books.
  • Host Wellesley College faculty for speaking events.
  • Rent event spaces to accommodate larger groups of alumnae and guests, and host applying, admitted and current Wellesley students from Oregon.
  • Send delegates to the BLUEprint leadership conference on campus. This conference teaches us about new initiatives and best practices that will benefit our Oregon Wellesley Club community.
  • Sponsor or help offset costs for Club activities in Portland.

With strong support from our Oregon alumnae, we envision a future where we can:

  • Sponsor or help offset costs for Club activities in neighborhood and regional clusters such as Eugene/Springfield, Beaverton, Corvallis, Medford/Ashland and the Vancouver, Washington area. 
  • Organize an annual all-Oregon gathering with alumnae from all areas of the state.
  • Sponsor or help offset accommodation costs for alumnae who are traveling to Portland to attend Club events.
  • Increase our ability to offer a wider array of activities, including lectures, panel events, family-oriented activities, wellness activity series, bird-watching tours, etc. We are always looking for new ideas and feedback from our Oregon Wellesley Community.

Thank you so much for your support. We look forward to sharing more communications about future events and activities. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments to

Sincerely, Oregon Wellesley Club volunteers