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First Fifty-Six Years: 1958-2014

Five alumnae gather at the Orange Blossom Hotel to form the WCS. Sarah Zimmerman ’18 named president; dues $1.00.

Only one girl from all of Florida admitted to Wellesley College. Half-price membership for winter guests; associate membership for mothers of graduates.

Club draws up bylaws; gains tax exempt status; Membership reaches 86. Christmas (now Holiday) Coffee initiated. First joint meeting with Smith College. College names us largest development fund donor in the country.

Dues move to $5.00; Membership reaches 100. Book Awards instituted. Marjorie Stoneman Douglas ’12, outstanding speaker. Alumnae Office cites us for having more meetings and a higher percentage of dues-paying members than any other club.

Dues increased to $13; Club newsletter initiated; Nancy C. Wetstone ’56, editor.

2000 - 2014
New Book Group is a big success. Wellesley Club initiates Ivy League College Fair. Club holds Gala 50th anniversary luncheon on Jan 18, 2008. Community service project with First Step Mothers & Infants Program begun in 2012.