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President's Message

We are thrilled to welcome you to the Wellesley-in-Pasadena (W-I-P) Club’s 60th Year Celebration! We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the alums who have been part of this club over the decades, and to all of you who are keeping the spirit of the W-I-P Club alive. We look forward to celebrating the club’s milestone year with you by listening to stories from the past decades and creating new memories with old friends and new ones in the upcoming year. We hope that our club serves and continues to serve as an avenue for connecting alumnae so we may build new friendships, learn, and share with each other in the decades to come.

We hope you feel at home in our community—we strive to foster a diverse and friendly tight-knit community of members where every person feels welcomed, supported, respected, and accepted. We highly value our club members’ varied ages, income levels, gender identities, sexual orientations, race, immigration status, stages in personal and career development, life experiences, geographic backgrounds, family backgrounds, personalities, and opinions. The richness of these backgrounds is what defines us, makes us thrive and strive for even greater inclusion, and makes events so enjoyable. If you are ever worried about whether you “fit in,” please know that YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME.

In the upcoming year, we intend to offer a variety of events —some small and some large— to foster different types of interactions within our community. Some activities will be geared primarily towards  Wellesley Club members while others will  be family-friendly so we can meet our members’ girlfriends, boyfriends, wives, husbands, children, and other individuals who are important people in your lives. Please reach out to us if you have questions about an event or want us to know something about you before an event (e.g., if you are anxious about attending an event or meeting new people). If there are obstacles to attending events (e.g., finances, transportation, disabilities), please let us know and we will strive to find solutions and accommodations. If you ever wish to organize an event that speaks to your specific interests, please let us know! (see link below). We love additional ideas and always welcome new volunteers!

Please continue to be part of our community, or consider joining us this year so that together we can:

  • celebrate each other’s personal or professional milestones;
  • support each other in our struggles and journeys with life, family, and career decisions;
  • learn from one another and our greater network through conversations, lectures, tours, book clubs, movies, and more;
  • enjoy each other’s company, friendship, and siblinghood;
  • serve the college and our local communities through outreach to prospective students, connecting to current students and their parents, and engaging in activities that embody the Wellesley motto: Non Ministrari sed Ministrare

We hope to see you soon!


Olivia Hsin, ’02 & Juanita Gutierrez, ‘92