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Past Event Details

WIP Book Club: The Edible Woman
  • December 13, 2018, 7:30pm

    Margaret Atwood's 1969 novel, The Edible Woman, follows the story of Marian, who begins to feel like her body and her self are separating.  As she begins attributing human characteristics to food, she finds herself unable to eat.  Described by Atwood as a protofeminist work, she explores gender stereotypes through characters who either adhere to them and  defy them.

    This event will be at Fritzie Culick's home.  Remember to mention the Wellesley-in-Pasadena book club at Vroman's when purchasing your book in order to get a 20% discount!

  • What a moron I was to think you were sweet and innocent, when it turns out you were actually college-educated the whole time!

    -- Margaret Atwood