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A Knee That Can Bend, Play & Post-Play Talk with Philly Writers, Moderated by Prof  Stacey D'Erasmo

A Knee That Can Bend, Play & Post-Play Talk with Philly Writers, Moderated by Prof. Stacey D'Erasmo

Come to Philly’s Orbiter3’s production of a new play by Barnard alum Emma Goidel (’12)

Come to Philly’s Orbiter3’s production of a new play by Barnard alum Emma Goidel (’12), “A Knee That Can Bend.” Then join a post-play talk moderated by author and Barnard Professor Stacey D'Erasmo and featuring Philly’s community of talented writers, including playwright Goidel, Stephanie Feldman (novelist, "The Angel of Losses,” BC’05), Liz Moore (novelist, "Heft,” BC’05), and Lauren Feldman (playwright, “The Egg-Layers”, a Barnard College/New Georges co-commission).  They will talk about their works, the writing process, and what part their educations played in life post-college.

About "A Knee That Can Bend"

When American sociology student Kate stumbles into an underground circle of queers in Sénégal, her semester abroad transforms into an intimate tour of Dakar's hidden gay nightlife. What Kate learns from Aicha, Néné, and their friends could get her into grad school. That is, if she can convince them to consent to being studied. A Knee That Can Bend explodes into the ethical sand-traps of Americans telling African stories, falling in love far from home, and searching for people like you in a country that doesn’t believe you exist.

Developed with New York Stage & Film/Powerhouse Theater and InterAct Theatre Company
Winner of the New South Young Playwrights Competition
Semi-Finalist for the O'Neill Playwrights Conference