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Philadelphia: Speaker Series with Thomas Dixon

Sponsored by The Ivy Plus Society

Thomas A. Dixon Jr. is the inventor of "ME.mory", a mobile application which he has used as an artificial episodic memory. Although he does not remember yesterday on his own, he has earned his M.Ed. and continues to travel around the world alone. He simultaneously has a better and worse memory than pretty much everyone, as he is able to search his own memory for over five years of dates and terms.

What The Speaker Series is About

Near the end of 2010, Thomas Dixon was out for a run near his parents’ house when he was struck by a car and injured so badly that doctors weren’t sure if he would survive. Since that day, his episodic memory - specific, autobiographical details like where he was, who he met, what he ate and the like - has been compromised. However, instead of having an awful memory, he decided to invent an artificial memory, called "ME.mory", an app releasing for iPhone and Android, with the story of it to be featured in a DirecTV documentary. Just how important is it to have an organic memory nowadays? Let's have a lively discussion of the value of organic memory in a time of mobile technology.