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Valentine’s Dessert Party - Sunday, February 17th, 2019, 2-4 pm in Swarthmore
Whitney Shaffer Ackerman '03 has graciously agreed to host our annual holiday gathering at her home in Swarthmore, PA. Please refer to the alumnae-only newsletter for the address. Whitney's house is a 10 minute walk from the Swarthmore Train Station.  If you and your guests need a ride from Philadelphia or the train station, please let Hayley know in your RSVP. 
Please bring 2-3 servings of your favorite dessert to share! The Club will provide bubbly and other beverages. Wellesley friends, spouses, partners, and significant others are welcome. RSVP below or email Hayley at if you are able to attend. Also, please indicate if you are able to give other alumnae rides.