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Valentine’s Dessert Party - Sunday, February 8th, 2015 at 3-5pm

Debbie and Rob Cohen will host our Valentine's Dessert Party at the Residence Lounge on the 2nd floor of the Residences of the Ritz-Carlton, 1414 South Penn Square in Philadelphia. The attendant at the reception desk will direct you to the lounge. Please bring 2-3 servings of your favorite dessert (not a whole cake!) to share with your Wellesley sisters over a glass of champagne or soda. The Club will provide the bubbly, and you can help provide the sweets. Spouses, significant others and friends are welcome. Please RSVP to Alicia Templeton at  by Friday 2/6 if you are able to attend. 

Please note: There is no parking at the Residences, but there are plenty of reasonable parking lots nearby (e.g. at 15th and Chestnut Streets or at 15th and Arch Streets.). Also, Suburban Station is only one block away for those who want to train into the city.