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Rescheduled: The Transatlantic Pineapple on October 18

Rescheduled: The Transatlantic Pineapple on October 18

You may have read her articles on cooking, identity, and memory; soon our club member Nina Scott '59 will share her earlier findings on how the pineapple traveled across continents and oceans in an intriguing chapter of food history.

Alicia Lopez Nieto '91 will host this delectable and fascinating conversation over Zoom on Sunday, October 18, 3:00-4:00pm.

Here is a taste of Nina's writing during the pandemic, courtesy of the Daily Hampshire Gazette.

We hope to see you for this Sunday afternoon teatime pop-up!

Speaker bio: After graduating from Wellesley in 1959, Nina earned her Ph.D. from Stanford in 1968, then served as Faculty (Spanish and Portuguese) at UMass, receiving the UMass Distinguished Teaching Award in 1996-7. After retiring from UMass in 2002, she was Interim Department Head at Mt. Holyoke in 2006-7 and Department Chair and Professor at Amherst from 2010-12. Nina has published many articles on food and culture, and is active in Five College Learning in Retirement.

Watch your email for an invitation for Nina's talk.