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Welcome to the Wellesley Club of Rhode Island!

All Wellesley alums who reside in Rhode Island, Southeastern Massachusetts and Northeastern Connecticut are members of the RI Wellesley Club and can vote at membership meetings.

Our e-newsletters are sent to all alums in this area, and to alums who have added our club to their online record.

All Wellesley alums and their guests are welcome at our events.

Financial Support 

In the summer of 2021, the alumnae office changed the model for clubs, removing their individual nonprofit status. Clubs are now funded by annual appropriations from the alumnae office. For the year ending June 30, 2023 the Rhode Island Wellesley Club has been given $1,000.  These funds may be used for events and are not for printing and postage.

Separately, the Book Award Program has been discontinued. The reasoning behind this decision was set forth in an e-newsletter from the alumnae office and shared with our members.

All of the club's communication is electronic and through individual phone calls. There are approximately 80 alums who do not use email. The alumnae office has sent them postcards urging them to add an email address to their online record.