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My Classes

My Clubs

My Shared Identity Groups (SIGs)


The San Diego Wellesley Club welcomes all alums in the geographical San Diego area as members at no cost!


Instructions to Join the Club Newsletter:

Members are automatically assigned to the SDWC group and email list if they fall within the geographical region. However, if you are not automatically on the email list you can request to be added to the group via the instructions below:

  1. Sign in at
  2. Select "My Class, Clubs, and SIGs" at the top right of the page (you can also access this button if they are already signed in and on the homepage of the NYWC website)
  4. Select "JOIN A CLASS, CLUB OR SIG HERE" under Join a Group on that page.
  5. Select "San Diego Wellesley Club" and fill out name and email address
  6. Click "Submit"