Starting in the Fall of 2021, Wellesley will not offer on- or off-campus interviews. Students interested in learning more about Wellesley and connecting with current students and alumnae are encouraged to join the college's mailing list or register for an upcoming event. After joining the mailing list, students will also be invited to join The Wellesley 101, Wellesley’s online prospective student community—another great way to get to know Wellesley. Additional ways for students to engage:
🏫 Register for a self-guided tour or in-person information session
💪 Attend Amplify, an online series is about empowering change and redefining leadership
👯 Sign up for an AlumConnect event to meet some of Wellesley's 35,000+ brilliant, multi-faceted alumnae
🙊 Learn more through one-stop-shopping info sessions with Wellesley, Harvard, Princeton, University of Virginia, Yale, and the Sister Colleges
💬 Drop in on an informal (themed!) chat student-to-student chat—no admission reps allowed!
🎥 Bookmark our awe-inspiring Admission Playlist
👟 Take a 360 virtual tour of our beautiful campus
💙 Peruse 100 marvelous things about Wellesley College