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February 2023 Newsletter

February 2023 Newsletter

Upcoming WCSV Events

Wellesley Club of Silicon Valley Book Club
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
The Overstory by Richard Powers

The Wellesley Club of Silicon Valley book club has been running strong since 1990! The 2022–2023 year is our 33rd year of meeting and enjoying books together. Each meeting reflects a wonderful discussion with a great group over the years! RSVP to Suzanne Attenborough at for meeting info.

Next month's meeting:
March 1 – Why Didn’t You Tell Me? by Carmen Rita Wong

Other Events & Announcements

Shifts in Abortion Obtainment After the Fall of Roe
WCAA Faculty Lecture with Jennifer O’Donnell ’05, Lecturer, Women’s and Gender Studies
Thursday, February 9, 2023
4PM PT (Virtual)

The Dobbs decision overturned Roe v Wade, removing the federal protection that Roe had provided since 1973, which permitted abortion in all US states until fetal viability. In the wake of the decision, dozens of states have or will implement total abortion bans and/or other extreme restrictions on abortion care, with restrictions that carry civil and criminal penalties. As a result, major shifts are expected regarding where people access abortion care, with major reductions in the numbers of patients in restricted access states and major increases in protected access states. This lecture will discuss data reported since the June 2022 Supreme Court decision. Register for this event with the WCAA.

WCSV Board Update
The Wellesley Club of Silicon Valley is delighted to welcome several new board members in 2023 and to welcome back our returning board members! 

New Board Members:

Isabella Tighe ‘19 - Social Media Chair
Katherine Chan ‘18 - Programming Committee 
Jessica Speiser ‘97 - Co-Vice President
Peggy Lim ‘97 - Co-Vice President 

Returning Board Members:

Andrea Gorman ‘82 - Membership Chair
Denise Lee ‘83 - Santa Cruz / Monterey area Liaison 
Esther Kang Cheng ‘92 - Alumnae Admissions Liaison (AAL) 
Kristen Adams ‘20 - VP of Programming
Linda Ho ‘03 - Communications Chair 
Nida Mirza ‘05 - Finance Officer / Past President
Veronica Lin ‘15 - Programming Committee / Young Alum Chair
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