My Classes

My Clubs

My Shared Identity Groups (SIGs)

Past Event Details

Annual Meetings

Join us in keeping our club vibrant and fun!

The club typically hosts one major event per year, our Annual Meeting. This meeting typically includes lunch and a speaker from the college alongside our annual business meeting (for electing officers, etc.)

2019 -- Delta Hotel, South Burlington - minutes (PDF download)

2018 -- Norwich Inn, Norwich - minutes (PDF download)

2017 -- Vermont Public Radio, Colchester - minutes (PDF download)

2016 -- The Woods, Northfield - minutes (PDF download)

2015 -- Double Tree Hotel, South Burlington - minutes (PDF download)

2014 -- Norwich Inn, Norwich - minutes (PDF download)

2013 -- Black Bear Inn, Bolton

In 2016, we braved the mud-season-roads of Northfield and visited "The Woods" for a talk by Linda Carli about the labyrinth women in leadership face.  

In 2015, 26 gathered - representing classes 1949-2013.

We enjoyed a presentation from Charlene Garneau from the Gender and Women's Studies department on the policies and ethics of national blood donation rules.

We said thank you and goodbye to president Eileen Crehan '08.