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Five-Colleges Book Sale

This annual event is a massive fundraiser for the college!

For the latest news see

This annual event is a major coordination between alums from Wellesley, Mt. Holyoke, Simmons, Smith, and Vassar and raises significant funds for scholarships for VT and NH students at each of these colleges.

In 2019 Join us on April 20-21 at Lebanon High School in NH.

Curious what it looks like? Check out a video on YouTube:

There are lots of opportunities to volunteer and get involved including:

  • Donating books to be sold
  • Collecting and transporting books to West Lebanon, NH
  • Sorting and pricing books
  • Representing the VT Wellesley Club at the organizing meetings
  • Volunteering on the day of the sale
  • Buying books!

In 2018...

Once again, the 2018 5-College Booksale was a great success, grossing over $84,000 - $10,000 greater than the year before!  Wellesley often receives close to $10,000 from this sale. Of the Wellesley portion half is credited to the Vermont Club, as our gift for scholarships (the other half is credited to our sisters across the Connecticut River)!

As we look ahead, the book sale needs more volunteers to make it a success.  It is a massive undertaking with a diehard corps of volunteers who have been doing it for many years. 

Also, each year, a large portion of the books are sent ot the dump before the book sale even begins and a large portion are not sold at the end.

The committee reminds book donors: "If you won't bring the book to bed with you, don't bring it to the sale."

It is true that alumnae on the East side of the state find it easier to drive and take part in the sale, from collecting, sorting, pricing and actually working at the sale.  How wonderful it would be if the alumnae on the western side of the state were to get organized to collect and deliver books to the site and to carpool to come and work on pricing or sorting or staffing the sale!!  They would certainly feel more pride in having worked for our scholarship contribution and they would, also, ease the burden on the East siders.