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Past Event Details

Save the Date - Annual Meeting 4_7_18 - Norwich Inn

Save the Date - Annual Meeting 

April 7, 2018 at the Norwich Inn

Join us for the Annual Meeting Saturday, April 7, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Norwich Inn, 325 South Main St., Norwich, VT

$25 fee includes lunch

Please RSVP by March 30

Join us for a special talk Consensus on the Line: Creating Policy in a Political Environment from Senator Ginny Lyons about what it means to be a woman scientist in the VT Senate. Senator Lyons is working with all VT Senators in a tri-partisan way to ensure VT citizens enjoy Constitutional protection. Her 18 years of experience provides insight into how consensus can be achieved in a political environment.

Vermont's laws have consistently protected its citizens from discrimination regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or other protected characteristics. Ginny will focus on a recent example of her work on her resolution to develop an Inclusive Equal Rights Amendment.

Senator Lyons is a Professor of Biology and a graduate of Drew University (AB), Rutgers (MS) and UVM, where she earned her Doctorate. Dr. Lyons Chaired, Developed, and Directed programs in Natural Science and Mathematics at Trinity College VT for 27 years. She taught and advised students for professions in medicine, environmental research, teaching, laboratory science, and others. Her work encouraging Women in Science has informed local, state and national programs. She is past President and National Board member of Sigma Xi the Scientific Research Honor Society. Ginny chaired Williston's Select-board for 10 years and now serves as a State Senator representing Chittenden County.

Senator Lyons works on a broad range of issues including energy, health care, public health prevention, water quality, internet access, taxation, international trade and others and recently presented at a forum in Puerto Rico and worked with a bipartisan group at the Aspen Institute.