Resources For All Volunteers
In search of a form? Looking to connect with other volunteer leaders? Still need to submit your Volunteer Agreement?
See below for all the tools, links, WCAA policies and procedures you may need to reference in your role as a volunteer.
Volunteer Toolbox
- Communications - Website, Email, and Print
- Programming Resources / Event Attendance Form
- All-Alum Access Fund
- Wellesley BlueSpeak
- Peer Resources - Leadershare
- Your Group's College Treasury
- Wellesley College Archives
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources
- Volunteer Tenets
- MyWellesley Login Assistance
Communications - Website, Email, and Print
List and Email Request Form If you are requesting a list, please review the WCAA Policy on Appropriate Use of Alumnae Information
Form Creation Request Form If you are requesting a form, please review the WCAA Policy on Appropriate Use of Alumnae Information
Email Troubleshooting Guide- Helping Wellesley Emails Reach Your Inbox
In an effort to reduce our environmental impact, the Alumnae Association no longer facilitates paper mailings for clubs, SIGs, or classes after 1969.
Programming Resources / Event Attendance Form
Event attendance reporting form - In-person or virtual event (Zoom) IMPORTANT: See the next entry if you're using a dedicated Wellesley-provided Zoom account.
Zoom Event attendance - (For groups using a dedicated Wellesley-provided Zoom account) Step-by-step guide on downloading and submitting zoom attendance
Event sign-in template - In-person event
We encourage you to consider hosting all-group programming online via Zoom or other platforms. The WCAA has a Zoom account available for volunteer use. Volunteers are responsible for booking meetings on their own. For instructions on how to access this account, please reach out to WCAA's Volunteer Coordinator Emily Rigdon ( If your group hosts frequent Zoom meetings, consult with the Volunteer Coordinator about the possibility of obtaining a College-provided Zoom account for your group.
All-Alum Access Fund
Our Wellesley network is at its best when all alums are able to participate. The Alumnae Association has set aside a dedicated fund to assist alums with the cost of attending ticketed club, class, or SIG events. All requests will be kept confidential; groups will not be informed of who has received aid. If you would like to request assistance for a ticketed event, please fill out this form.
Wellesley BlueSpeak
BlueSpeak is a directory of alumnae excited to share their personal and/or professional expertise. The program is designed to facilitate connections and learning within the Wellesley network through speaking engagements. Volunteers are invited to source talent for class, club, and shared identity group programming.
Once you use BlueSpeak, please let us know how it went by filling out the BlueSpeak Feedback Form.
Peer Resources - Leadershare
Sometimes the best ideas come from connecting with our peers. We encourage you to utilize Leadershare, a platform WCAA has created for volunteer leaders to share ideas, ask questions, and discuss their volunteer experience. If you have a question about best practices, or are wondering how other groups have handled a particular situation, this is the place to ask! Similarly, if you see questions being asked and you have experience that could be helpful, we encourage you to respond to others' questions. Leadershare is located within the HIVE, Wellesley's networking site for students and alums. Instructions on how to join Leadershare can be found here.
Your Group's College Treasury
For helpful resources including forms and FAQs on our new financial model, please visit our Your Group Treasury page.
Wellesley College Archives
The Wellesley College Archives are available to all alumnae, and may be of use to your group.
The Archives are responsible for managing, maintaining, and making accessible those records of the College that have long-term historical value, such as administrative records, manuscripts, photographs, maps, architectural plans, honors theses, and audio/video materials.
The Archives also collects materials from alumnae and others that help document and illustrate the history of Wellesley College, including scrapbooks, photographs, letters, and assorted realia and ephemera.
Please visit the Wellesley College Archives Website for further information about the services they provide.
Quick Links:
- Digital Repository (scanned documents, books, letters, etc)
- Image Archives (remember to click "Search within results" each time you run a search)
- Wellesley Research Guides
- Wellesley College Archives Copyright and Permissions Policy
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources
We are committed to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion within the alumnae community. Please use the educational resources below to become informed on these topics.
Reference: Wellesley’s Mission and Gender Policy (5 min)
Reference: Interfaith Calendar (5 min)
Watch: Dismantling Microaggressions Through the Power of Connection, Toya Webb, TedX (10 min)
Watch: Casually Ableist Language Annie Elainey (7 min)
- Read/Listen: "What kind of Asian are you?" by Alex Dang (4 min)
Read: Perspective: Intersectionality by Tyree Oredein ’98 (5 min)
Read: Guide to Allyship (10 min)
Read: The 5Ds of Bystander Intervention (5 min)
Review: PFLAG National Glossary PFLAG (10 min)
Review: Gender Unicorn (5 min)
Resources for further learning
Watch Previous Leadershare Live Videos:
- White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh, Wellesley Centers for Women (20 min)
- Caste: The Origins of our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson
- Ink Knows No Borders: Poems of the Immigrant and Refugee Experience by Alyssa Raymond and Patrice Vecchione
Opportunities to Engage: Attend Wellesley Racial Justice Initiative Events, open to all members of the Wellesley community.
Volunteer Tenets
All alumnae volunteers are guided by the Wellesley College Alumnae Association (WCAA) mission. We are always looking for alumnae interested in sharing their time, energy, and spirit as volunteers for Wellesley. The following tenets are designed to guide you in your volunteer role(s).
As a Wellesley volunteer, you agree to:
Treat alums, staff, and all members of the Wellesley community with respect and civility in person, in email, in print, and on social media.
Commit to a role that suits your skills and capacity.
Commit to being inclusive and addressing issues of diversity along numerous demographic lines (e.g., race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, ability, religion, geography, etc.) in all facets of your volunteer work.
Communicate regularly with alumnae volunteers and WCAA staff.
Actively seek opportunities to engage new alumnae.
Resolve any conflicts in a transparent and open manner.
Acknowledge any potential conflicts of interest and recuse oneself when appropriate.
Keep your contact information current at, including address, email, and phone number. As a volunteer, you must agree to be contacted by the WCAA or other alumnae via any of these channels.
Recognize that your actions will reflect on and speak for not only you, but for other alumnae and the College.
MyWellesley Login Assistance
The Wellesley Login allows alums to sign into various College systems and websites using a single username and password. It is your login for all Wellesley systems, including:
The Wellesley College Alumnae Association (WCAA) online community
All class, club, and SIG websites
The Wellesley Hive, our mentoring and networking platform exclusively for Wellesley alumnae and students
The Class Notes section of the Wellesley magazine website
Volunteer tools (including the online Report of Giving accessible to Wellesley Fund volunteers)
Select parts of the College website
If you or a classmate needs assistance recovering or resetting your MyWellesley username and password, please visit for assistance.
WCAA Guidelines
- List & Email Policies
- Social Media Guidelines
- Logo Usage
- Charitable Donations, Political Activity and Non-Discrimination Policies
- Parliamentary Procedure
- Wellesley College Alumnae Association Mission Statement
- Wellesley College Strategic Plan
List & Email Policies
The Wellesley College Alumnae Association (WCAA) may provide class, club, and shared identity group (SIG) leaders with access to lists of their members upon request. These lists contain information useful to volunteer leaders for planning events, managing communications, and calculating metrics. The information shared in these lists is sensitive data and is provided at the discretion of the WCAA.
The WCAA is unable to include alumnae email data in these lists for many varied reasons, including but not limited to the following:
The Wellesley College Alumnae Association is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization and therefore subject to privacy restrictions including the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation and domestic anti-spam laws. All email communications on behalf of the WCAA and its umbrella organizations are legally mandated to provide an option for recipients to unsubscribe or opt-out of receiving future emails. Private mass emails do not allow direct unsubscription from Wellesley mail and therefore are not permitted. Platforms such as Paperless Post are not tied to the Wellesley database and any unsubscribe requests will not be captured for future communications.
All broadcast emails to classmates, club members or SIG members should be sent through the WCAA’s official website newsletter function, which is connected to the College’s alumnae database.
○ The College’s records database tracks updates, email accounts that send back mail as undeliverable, and unsubscribe requests. Changes are continuously being made.
○ This ensures that communications are sent to the most current email addresses.
○ For help sending emails, please submit a request here.
○ Personal, one-on-one emails may be sent between alumnae.
The WCAA offers online directories for all classes, clubs, and SIGs, as well as an all-alumnae general directory, which can be filtered by name, class, state, city, country, current or past employer, job title, or occupation. Use the Directory link at the top of this page to use the general directory (you must be logged in for access). To view your class, club, or SIG directory, please visit their respective websites.
○ Please note: while the online directories provide email addresses for many alumnae, compiling these addresses into a private list, or using them to send mass emails is strictly prohibited.
○ Solicitation emails are not permitted under any circumstances, regardless of the number of recipients.
The College and the WCAA aim to meet industry standards of our institutional peers, and we are committed to safeguarding alumnae information. You may view our full privacy policy here.
While broadcast emails are a useful means of communicating with classmates and club/SIG members, they are just one means of contact. Many groups have had great success by varying their communications between email, print mailings, the HIVE, social media, Facebook groups, and in-person events. If you need help reaching a particular individual or group, please reach out to your WCAA staff contact for assistance.
It is the responsibility of each alum to provide the College with any changes in contact information to ensure they are listed correctly. Alumnae can report these changes to or call our record updates number at 781.283.3791. If you receive news about alumnae contact updates, please let us know.
Social Media Guidelines
The WCAA has developed the following social media guidelines to help our alumnae volunteers manage Wellesley class, club, or shared identity group social media channels. We recommend you post this to your group page/account and/or publish it on your group website, to ensure that all members understand proper use.
As a social media group representing the ______________ [e.g.,Wellesley Class of 1984, New York Wellesley Club, etc.], we would like to make members aware of our acceptable use policy. Your social media presence reflects not only you personally, but your professional reputation, your group or organization, and, by extension, Wellesley College and the Alumnae Association. Even within an unofficial or closed Wellesley channel, your comments and/or behavior online may have far-reaching consequences.
We ask that those who engage with Wellesley’s social media communities act in accordance with The Honor Code, with respect, honesty, and integrity. Please conduct yourself in a manner befitting a Wellesley alumna. We reserve the right to remove comments by impersonators or those who do not comply with the guidelines below:
Be respectful. Comments should not defame, attack, or disparage. Profanity, obscene content, and personal attacks will not be tolerated.
Be authentic. All comments and content must be from named individuals. Do not post using an alias or an identity other than your own. Do not copy and paste comments or content from other individuals or institutions without their permission.
Be confidential. Do not post confidential or proprietary information. As a safety precaution, do not post your address, phone number or email address on social media. If you wish to share this information with a fellow alumna, do so privately via a direct message.
Encourage conversation. To keep dialogue on topic, comments that appear to be commercial or that could otherwise be viewed as spam will be deleted.
Realize your posts are public; nothing is truly private. Do not post anything that you would not want attributed to you in a newspaper. Think about your comments, photos, videos or other content in a larger context. Before posting, remember that anything you share in social media, even within closed networks, immediately becomes public and lives on in perpetuity. Your content can be stored and shared around the world instantaneously, even if you try to delete it.
Logo Usage
Wellesley College alumnae classes, clubs, and Shared Identity Groups (SIGs) are allowed to use the College’s name (“Wellesley College”), the Association’s name (“Wellesley College Alumnae Association” and the “W” logo on branded items. The use must be in accordance with the following Wellesley College policies:
- They produce the items for their class, club, or SIG for non-fundraising engagement purposes (giveaways, Reunion insignias, or other items sold at cost or given away for free).
- Classes, clubs, and SIGs must use the logo in accordance with the College’s visual identity guidelines.
- Any proposed item that uses the logo or the College’s name must be submitted to the Wellesley College Alumnae Association (WCAA) for review and approval prior to beginning use. Please submit samples and inquiries via email to
- Classes, clubs, and SIGs may not use the College seal, which is reserved for the College’s express and official use.
Charitable Donations, Political Activity and Non-Discrimination Policies
Charitable Donations
Each Wellesley class/club is a 501(c)(3), a non-profit organization, whose mission is to connect Wellesley alumnae to the College and to each other. Each class/club operates under the umbrella of the Wellesley College Alumnae Association and as such must operate in a manner that upholds the shared mission of the class/club and the WCAA so that both the class/club and the WCAA may maintain their legal standing as non-profits.
While community service can be a large part of a class/club’s engagement, direct financial support of another charity is not permitted. All money collected by the class/club must be utilized to further the mission of the class/club, the WCAA, and Wellesley. In other words, funds held in the class/club's treasury are to be used to connect alumnae to each other, the class/club, the WCAA, and the College or may be donated to the class/club’s scholarship fund, if applicable, or as a gift to the College. Direct financial support of another 501(c)(3) is outside the class/club’s mission, and therefore must not occur.
If you have any questions about a class/club's financial responsibilities, please contact
Political Activity
The College cannot support (or oppose) any political candidate; indeed, doing so would jeopardize the institution's tax-exempt status. Similarly, alumnae cannot use their Wellesley College affiliation or College assets to conduct fundraising for a candidate (for example, using Wellesley's name and logos/trademarks in an invitation or using an alumnae directory to create a mailing list).
Non-Discrimination Policy
Each Wellesley class/club/SIG operates under the umbrella of the Wellesley College Alumnae Association and is closely associated with Wellesley College through the club/club/SIG’s mission to connect Wellesley alumnae to the College and to each other. As such, each Wellesley class/club/SIG is expected to share Wellesley College’s commitment to providing equal opportunity in employment and education to all employees, students, and applicants of Wellesley College. Wellesley College policy strictly prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, religion, color, sex/gender, age, ethnic or national origin or ancestry, veteran status, physical or mental disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, veteran or military status, membership in Uniformed Services, or any category protected by applicable state and federal laws. Wellesley College is committed to making its programs and campus accessible and compliant with all applicable non-discrimination laws. Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, is a form of gender discrimination that is illegal and prohibited by College policy. Retaliation against any individual for making a complaint regarding this type of conduct or for participating in the investigation of such a complaint, is not tolerated.
If you have any questions about this non-discrimination policy, contact You can also review the College’s website for more information.
Parliamentary Procedure
For efficient and inclusive board meetings, we recommend utilizing basic parliamentary procedure.
Wellesley College Alumnae Association Mission Statement
The mission of the Wellesley College Alumnae Association is to support the institutional priorities of Wellesley College by connecting alumnae to the College and each other. The Association will serve as a lifelong resource to alumnae and will encourage alumnae to contribute to the continued excellence of the College.
Wellesley College Strategic Plan
We are delighted to share with you the Strategic Plan for Wellesley College, which has now been formally approved by the Wellesley College Board of Trustees.
This bold plan draws upon the tremendous strengths of the College to amplify our mission in the future. This plan is a call to action. It captures the voices and aspirations of many members of our community and distills a conversation that has stretched spanned two academic years. It presents all of us with an opportunity and a responsibility. We invite you, in the spirit of optimism and possibility, to join together as one Wellesley to realize this bold vision for Wellesley’s future.