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Presidents' Message

Presidents' Message

Welcome! W3A’s mission is to address the need for greater support and networking among alums of Asian descent. Our vision is not just to increase connectivity among alums, but to build W3A into a community that sustains and engages Asian/American alums. Though Wellesley’s Asian/American alums come from diverse backgrounds, many of us go through similar experiences as we navigate our post-Wellesley experiences. Our hope is to create intentional spaces to share stories and support each other through our careers, relationships, social structures, and beyond. 

If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to drop a line, please reach out to us at We are excited to be serving you as W3A Co-Presidents and to grow in community together!

Elaine Sheng '86 and Malini Narang Wadhera ’90
Co-Presidents (2022-2025)