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Retirement Symposium in Honor of Professor Cudjoe: Saturday, April 20

Retirement Symposium in Honor of Professor Cudjoe: Saturday, April 20

Saturday, April 20
10am - 5:15pm
Collins Cinema, Wellesley College
Open to the public

"Always quick to call out racism and injustice, Professor Cudjoe never cared about what anybody thought; he would speak his piece. He wants to advocate for those who have been marginalized and make sure that their voices are heard,” Africana Studies Department Chair Kellie Carter Jackson shared in honor of Professor Selwyn Cudjoe’s upcoming retirement. In his 38 years at Wellesley College, Cudjoe has done exactly that, fundamentally shaping both the Africana Studies department at Wellesley and broader institutional changes with his forward-thinking and relentless activism.

The entire Wellesley community -faculty, students, administration, alumnae and friends are invited to symposium of Cudjoe’s work, celebrating his academic career and impact as a Caribbean African American scholar.

Special guests include:

  • Dr. Carol Boyce Davies, Howard University and Cornell University
  • Dr. Adeyeke Adebajo, University of Pretoria
  • Sir Hilary Beckles, University of the West Indies
  • Dr. Crystal Fleming '04, Stony Brook University
  • Dr. Biodun Jeyifo, Harvard University

Join us in this celebration of Professor Cudjoe and his tremendous impact.