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WSWC Volunteer Day at Wellspring

WSWC Volunteer Day at Wellspring

What: Join other Wellesley Alumnae at Wellspring, a local nonprofit that is committed to preventing homelessness before it happens and intervening early when it does. Volunteers will be supporting the Family Store by sorting through clothing, toys, books, or packing orders to go directly to families experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness.

Where: 1900 Rainier Ave S. Seattle, WA 98144

When: November 3rd, 10-12.  Plan to meet in the parking lot at 9:45.  Join us for a casual lunch afterward if you have time.

Why: Great opportunity to meet/reconnect with Wellesley alumnae through service

How: Sign up here!  Hurry, the first 15 alums who sign up will be able to participate.  Additional alumnae will be added to the wait list.