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This organization shall be known as the Washington Wellesley Club (the “Club”).

The Club’s mission is to strengthen Wellesley College (the “College”) by connecting alumnae to the College and to one another.


Any person upon whom the College has conferred a degree, any former or current student of the College, and any member of the faculty or administration of the College, past or present, who resides in the greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, including parts of Maryland and Virginia, is a member of the Club.
Only graduates of the College who reside in the greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area may vote on Club matters, run for or hold Club office, or chair a Club committee (hereafter referred to as “Voting Members”).



Section 1: THE BOARD. The Club shall be governed by a Board of Officers (the “Board”). The Board is empowered to act for the Club in all matters and shall act by a majority vote of those Board Officers (hereinafter the “Officers”) present.


Section 2:  OFFICERS. The Board shall have the following Permanent Positions:  President, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President for Admissions and Careers, Vice President for Community Engagement, Vice President for Programs, Vice President for Group Relations, Vice President for Young Alum Programs, and Vice President for Media. The offices of President and Treasurer shall each be held by only one Member, and each of the remaining offices may be held by up to two Members each. The President may choose to nominate, and the Board may choose to elect, at its discretion and by a majority vote of the Permanent Officers, up to three Additional Officers who will serve as At Large Officers. A description of each position follows:


The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Club and shall preside at all regular Club meetings including the Annual Meeting. The President shall be an ex officio member of all Club committees except the Nominating Committee. The President shall have the authority to establish ad hoc committees within the Board and to appoint their chairs.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection and deposit of all funds paid into the Club and for all disbursements therefrom. The Treasurer shall prepare a review of the financial condition of the Club, which shall be presented to the Board within the first quarter of the fiscal year. At each Board meeting, the Treasurer shall present a summary of all expenditures, including reimbursements processed through the Wellesley College Alumnae Association (WCAA), as well as the Club’s assets and liabilities.

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all regular, Annual, and special meetings of the Club, conduct the Club correspondence, and preserve the Club records. The Secretary will also keep record of attendance at Board meetings and notify the President of attendance quarterly.

The Vice President for Admissions and Careers shall be the primary liaison between the Club, the Board of Admissions, and Wellesley Career Education. The Vice President for Admissions and Careers shall coordinate area WWC member engagement with prospective and incoming students, as well as plan an Admitted Student Event and Summer Send-Off annually.  They will also serve as the Board liaison with the Wellesley in Washington internship program and will facilitate opportunities for WWC engagement with current students interning or working in the D.C. area. In coordination with the Vice Presidents for Programs and Young Alum Programs, they will also coordinate opportunities for career-related and networking events.

The Vice President for Community Engagement shall be responsible for organizing service project and group volunteer opportunities for Club members on or about a quarterly basis, in coordination with the Vice President for Programs.  The Vice President for Community Engagement will also serve as the liaison with other colleges’ clubs or groups in the D.C. area, including local Seven Sisters College clubs. 

The Vice President for Programs shall plan, publicize (via the Club website and social media, in conjunction with the Vice President for Media), and execute programs of general interest to the Club, and may appoint and coordinate the work of one or more committees to carry out programs.

The Vice President for Young Alum Programs shall, in coordination with the Vice President for Programs, plan, publicize (via the Club website and social media, in conjunction with the Vice President for Media), and execute programs of interest to young alums (generally defined as WWC members within 10 years of graduation from Wellesley). 

The Vice President for Group Relations shall be responsible for liaising with all Wellesley national and local Shared Identity Groups (SIG) (i.e., WAAD, WAPA, W3A, WLAN, WJA, WMA) and other Wellesley groups (e.g., Friends of Art). This may involve coordinating joint events and implementing marketing campaigns, and involves building relationships between the Board, SIG leadership, and the WCAA.

The Vice President for Media shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the Club’s website and social media, as well as collecting, writing, editing, and disseminating to Club members news of the Club and College activities and other information deemed of interest and relevant to the Club membership (including notices of the Annual Meeting).

The Additional Officer(s) will serve as At Large Officers, with roles and durations as approved and directed by the Board.

The Immediate Past President, following the completion of their term as President and until a successor President has completed their term on the Board, shall be responsible for chairing the Nominating Committee, as outlined in Article VI.  The Immediate Past President may choose to attend Board meetings but shall not have a vote on Board matters.


Section 3: BOARD VOTING. Each Officer shall have one vote on Board matters, even if the Officer shares a position. Permanent Officers and Additional Officers (excluding the Immediate Past President who does not have a vote) shall have equal voting rights. In order for a vote to occur, a quorum, defined as 2/3 of the Board members, must be present at the time of voting. Once a quorum is declared, a simple majority of those present wins the vote.


Section 4: BOARD MEETINGS. Board meetings shall be held at least four times and up to 12 times a year. Meetings may be held in person, by video conference, by telephone, or by other means. Notice of any meeting shall be given in advance, in a form reasonably calculated to reach Officers in a timely manner. Officers are expected to attend at least 75% of all Board meetings. Any Officer who does not meet the minimum attendance requirement may be subject to remedial or disciplinary action, as outlined in Article VII. The Secretary will take attendance at all Board meetings.


Section 5: BOARD PROGRAMMING SUPPORT AND REIMBURSEMENT.  All Officers will complete the WCAA Volunteer Agreement annually (provided by the WCAA and on the WCAA website).  All Officers are expected to support at least 25% of Club programming throughout the year through event setup, facilitation, and/or cleanup.  The President, Vice President for Programs, Vice President for Community Engagement, and Vice President for Young Alum Programs are expected to support approximately 50% of Club programming through such setup, facilitation, and/or cleanup. Any Officer may propose or lead an event/program for the WWC, in coordination with the Vice President for Programs. All events/programs should include a financial proposal and should be presented to the Board for concurrence and scheduling.  Officers involved in purchasing items for WWC events/programs should provide a copy of any receipt(s) to the Treasurer and President for awareness prior to submitting a reimbursement claim with the WCAA. 

The Annual Meeting shall be the last regular meeting of the fiscal year. It shall be announced at least 30 days in advance and may be attended by any Member or guest of the Club.

Section 1: CALL FOR CANDIDATES. No later than May of each year, the Board shall call for candidates who wish to be elected to those Officer positions whose term will conclude at the end of the current fiscal year.

Section 2: ELECTIONS. A Nominating Committee of three, appointed by the President and chaired by the Immediate Past President, shall consider and interview (via written or verbal communication) all candidates and present a single slate of candidates for the Officer positions up for election that year.  Prior to the Annual Meeting, the Board shall distribute to the Members the names and background of those candidates. If two candidates are running jointly to share an Officer position, then they will be presented as a team together. The proposed slate of candidates will be presented at the Annual Meeting, and Officers shall be elected by a majority vote at the Annual Meeting. The names of the new Officers shall be provided to the WCAA in accordance with its established WCAA reporting requirements. The vote shall be voice unless an office is contested, in which case the vote for that office shall be by ballot.


Section 3: TERM OF OFFICE. Each Officer shall serve a term of two years and may not hold the same position on the Board for more than two consecutive terms. The term of office for all newly elected Officers shall begin at the close of the Annual Meeting, and the Board will seek to stagger the terms of Officers so that in no case will all Officers vacate their positions at the same time in any given year. The terms of President, Secretary, Vice President for Media, Vice President for Programs, and two Additional Officers shall begin in the even-numbered years; the terms of Treasurer, Vice President for Group Relations, Vice President for Admissions and Careers, Vice President for Community Engagement, Vice President for Young Alum Programs, and one Additional Officer shall begin in the odd-numbered years. Any vacancy in an elective office occurring between the Annual Meetings may be filled for the remainder of the term at the discretion of and by the President, as approved by a vote of the Board. The President may alternatively choose to leave vacant any office, in the event that the vacancy will not exceed six months until that office is newly elected at the Annual Meeting. 



Section 1: OBLIGATIONS OF CLUB OFFICERS. Club Officers are obligated, by virtue of their office, to support the Club’s mission as stated in Article II; to act in the best interests of the Club, its Members, and the College; and to keep Club information confidential by using it only for Club business.


Section 2: REMOVAL OF OFFICERS. Any Officer who has failed to comply with their obligations to the Club, including the attendance of meetings as outlined in Article IV, shall be subject to removal from the Board. Such a removal from the Board shall take place at the discretion and motion of the President, as approved by a vote of the Board. If an Officer is removed, then a replacement Officer shall be appointed at the discretion of and by the President, as approved by a vote of the Board. When and if appointed, that person shall serve out the remainder of the original term of the replaced Officer. If the President elects to let the office remain vacant for the remainder of the removed Officer’s term, then at the end of such term a new Officer will be elected following the by-laws set forth in Article VI.

Section 1: PURPOSES. The Club is organized, and shall be operated, exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. It shall not engage in any activities proscribed for an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Section 2: EARNINGS. All of the proceeds of Club events, and all Club revenues, shall be reserved for the benefit of the Club in support of its mission, as spelled out in Article II. No part of the earnings of the Club shall benefit any individual.


Section 3: DISPOSITION OF ASSETS. In the event that the Club is dissolved, all of its assets shall be distributed to the College.


Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by any member and filed with the Secretary. Such proposed amendments must be submitted by the Secretary at the next meeting of the board. The board shall determine when to vote on the amendment(s). The Board may vote if there is a quorum as defined in article iv, section 3. The amendment(s) shall pass with a 2/3 majority affirmative vote. Amendments so approved will become effective immediately unless otherwise specifically provided.


Bylaws adopted as amended by the Board on November 19, 2023.