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Volunteer With Admissions


College fairs are a chance to raise Wellesley’s visibility and create initial contacts with students and teachers who might otherwise not hear about or consider Wellesley. The WWC admissions committee provides materials and training to alumnae volunteers who want to attend college fairs on behalf of Wellesley. Experience isn't necessary to do college fairs - your enthusiasm and personal story are what interests students and parents. We train you by providing materials from the college and pairing you with veteran volunteers at the fairs.

Interviews are your opportunity to talk with prospective students, tell them about your experience at Wellesley, and help put a personal touch to their applications. You don't need to know about Wellesley today or even have graduated recently- we provide you with an interviewer's guide that will answer your questions about what Wellesley is like today and provide links to resources where you can look for answers to more detailed questions.
To volunteer, email