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Get Involved

...with Wellesley-in-Westchester.

Connect with other Westchester-based alumnae.

We are one of 80+ alumnae clubs around the world with the mission to connect alumnae to each other and the college and raise awareness of Wellesley among prospective students. The club plays a critical role in raising money for scholarships awarded to local students entering Wellesley. Volunteers serve as club leaders and committee chairs, help organize events to bring alumnae together, organize outreach programs, participate in mentoring and admission opportunities, and serve their community. We are 100% volunteer led and would love your participation. Join us at an upcoming event and consider getting involved.

We’re always looking for volunteers, to help with the following:

  • Hosting alumnae wine and cheese parties or other alumnae events in your home
  • Developing new programs
  • Welcoming new members to the area
  • Day to Make a Difference events
  • Welcoming local, admitted students to the college

If you would like to get more involved, email Jing Cao '08 or Lois Katz '62