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Burning of Kingston Festival
Join the Mid-Hudson Wellesley Club on Saturday, October 19 at the Burning of Kingston historical colonial re-enactment festival. We plan to meet at 10:30am at the historic 1720s home of Liza Sunderlin '64, located at 84 Saint James Street in Kingston, NY, and then to walk to the festivities shortly before 11am. Liza lives about 10 minutes away from where the events occur. Families are welcome, and you can learn more about this event at

Please RSVP to Liza Sunderlin '64 (ideally before October 16) at On the day-of, you can reach Davina Vora '95 at (845) 616-2484.

Street parking is available on both sides of Saint James Street. Nearby streets may have different regulations, so please check the signs.

We hope to see you there!