Wellesley Jewish Alumnae (WJA) is the newest Shared Identity Group in the Alumnae Association for all Wellesley alumnae who self-identify as Jewish. WJA and its members serve as a way for you to connect to the College and to each other. We host a variety of fun/entertaining/thought-
See more here: https://alum.wellesley.edu/wja/about/officer-list
Here are some of the ways in which WJA can be there for you:
- You are traveling somewhere and looking for a place to go for Shabbat.
- You are moving and want information on and a connection to the Jewish community.
- You are interested in a welcoming place to go and people to be with for a holiday.
- You want a way in which you can build lasting relationships with like-minded women.
- You would like to join in fun/entertaining/thought-
provoking events that connect you to our community. - You want to stay connected to the Jewish community on campus and off.
- We welcome you to join as a board member, committee member, or geographic representative, or stay in touch by signing up for our newsletter!
Make sure you are getting WJA newsletters:
Log in by going to https://alum.wellesley.edu/
If you need to set or reset you password, you can access that here.
Once logged in, click the button that says MY CLASSES, CLUBS, AND SIGS to see what groups you are signed up for. Make sure that WJA is checked.
Alternatively, you can go here: https://alum.wellesley.
Contact us at WJAMembership@alum.wellesley.edu or WJAPresident@alum.wellesley.edu