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Discussion with Fran Malino, Director of Wellesley Jewish Studies

Discussion with Fran Malino, Director of Wellesley Jewish Studies

Following her distinguished faculty lecture on campus, “Jewish Voices: Muslim Lands”, the Hillel Alumnae and Friends hosted a virtual discussion on Professor Malino's lecture.  Drawing from thousands of letters rescued at the end of World War II, in “Jewish Voices: Muslim Lands,” Frances Malino explores the lives of Jewish women teaching in a network of schools extending from Tetuan in Morocco to Teheran in Iran. Her presentation begins with film clips from the inauguration of the chair in Jewish Studies at Wellesley College in 1990 and conclude, using satellite imagery, immersive panoramas, and architectural reconstructions, with a virtual tour of Jewish sites in North Africa and the Middle East.

The lecture can be viewed online here:

Professor Fran Malino is the Sophia Moses Robison Professor of Jewish Studies and History, and Director of Jewish Studies at Wellesley.


May 4th, 2018 at 2pm EST

The discussion was virtual.