My Classes

My Clubs

My Shared Identity Groups (SIGs)

Passover is Coming!
On-campus student needs are being taken care of: the kosher kitchen will be cleaned, kashered, and fully stocked for Passover,
and in the meantime the kosher dining hall is still open, and the kosher caterer will still be supplying cooked food as well.
Rabbi Bodian is available to help students, faculty/staff, and alumnae alike!
* seder kits in the mail
* meals for students or alums in the Boston area
* virtual seder
* pastoral care
Please email her for more info!
Regular (Virtual Programming)
Daf Yomi 
Your daily snippet of Talmud via Facebook
Mondays & Wednesdays, 8 PM EST
for those who find themselves leading sedarim 
for the first time ever this year
Tuesdays, 8 PM EST
Thursdays, 8 PM EST
Shabbat Services
There are amazing cantors nationwide who are livestreaming services!  Here are just a couple suggested y Rabbi Bodian:
Fridays 6 PM EST/Saturdays 10 AM EST 
Fridays - times vary/Saturdays 9:15 AM PST 
Students ONLY - join Hillel's What'sApp group!
Senior Gift
The Wellesley Jewish Alumnae would love to offer a gift of a mezzuzzah to members of the class of 2020.
WJA is starting a new program that we hope will become a tradition: sending Jewish seniors into the world with the gift of a mezuzah.  Most especially this year, with their final semester upended, a mezuzah from Wellesley Jewish Alumnae can help make their leave-taking a little less isolating.  It will serve as a reminder that Wellesley is here for them wherever they go in life.
Each mezuzah, which includes the scroll, will cost $50 and will be sent to student's homes (this year) with a personalized card. 
If you would like to sponsor a mezuzah for a student or two, please contact