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Preparing for the High Holidays

Preparing for the High Holidays

Rabbi Avis Miller will lead a discission on preparing for the High Holydays:  asking yourself soul searching questions; engaging spiritually while navigating long, repetitious services; and introducing old customs for the New Year.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

8pm EST

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Rabbi Miller graduated from Wellesley in 1966, she spent several years as a stay-at-home mother, worked as an accountant, and became an activist for teenage mothers. She then studied at Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and was ordained in 1986. She served as rabbi at Adas Israel in Washington DC, becoming rabbi emerita in 2008.  Avis is the first woman in the United States to assume pulpit responsibilities in a major Conservative congregation.  While there, she created learner’s minyans and founded Open Dor, a foundation to engage and serve unaffiliated Jews. She also led the synagogue in an influential campaign to aid Ethiopian Jews and published a collection of sermons, On the Wings of Hope, in 2002.

Rabbi Miller also served as President of the Washington-Baltimore Region of the Rabbinical Assembly. As chair of the Rabbinical Assembly’s Committee on Outreach and Conversion, Rabbi Miller was also the first woman to be appointed to head a national committee of the RA, as well as one of the first women to serve on the Rabbinical Assembly’s Executive Council.

More about Rabbi Miller: