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Book Reading and Discussion with author Robin Judd '90


Robin Judd '90, Associate Professor of History and Director of the Hoffman Leaders and Leadership in History Program at The Ohio State University, will discuss her new book, Between Two Worlds: Jewish War Brides After The Holocaust.

Historian Robin Judd, whose grandmother survived the Holocaust and married an American soldier after liberation, introduces us to the Jewish women who lived through genocide and went on to wed American, Canadian, and British military personnel after the war. She offers an intimate portrait of how these unions emerged and developed—from meeting and courtship to marriage and immigration to life in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom—and shows how they helped shape the postwar world by touching thousands of lives, including those of the chaplains who officiated their weddings, the Allied authorities whose policy decisions structured the couples' fates, and the bureaucrats involved in immigration and acculturation. The stories Judd tells are at once heartbreaking and restorative, and she vividly captures how the exhilaration of the brides' early romances coexisted with survivor's guilt, grief, and apprehension at the challenges of starting a new life in a new land.

Between Two Worlds: Jewish War Brides After The Holocaust is available from UNC PressAmazonBarnes and Noble, or wherever you get your books. UNC Press has a 40% off discount code: 01DAH40 (use at checkout).  

Sunday, March 3rd, 2024

4pm Eastern Time/ 1pm Pacific Time

About Robin:

Robin Judd is a specialist in Jewish, transnational, and gender history, with particular interests in Holocaust studies and the history of antisemitism. She is the author of the books, Between Two Worlds: Jewish War Brides After the Holocaust (University of North Carolina Press) and Contested Rituals: Circumcision, Kosher Butchering, and German-Jewish Political Life in Germany, 1843-1933 (Cornell University Press). Robin is the Past President of the Association for Jewish Studies, the largest international learned society and professional organization representing Jewish studies and is a voting member of Ohio's Holocaust and Genocide Memorial and Education Commission.  She has received seven teaching awards, including the OSU Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching.  She previously presented a distinguished faculty lecture at Wellesley titled “Now You Are My Home: European Jewish Brides in the U.S., Canada, and Britain.” 

Check out her interview on Unsung History at